

We follow the DMCA treatments for removing any material on any of the websites on servers hosted by MAGENEST INTERNATIONAL PTE. LTD. that is published by 3rd parties and which infringes on copyright rights. Wrongdoers might be prohibited from talking about the site. If you think that any content on our site infringes on your copyright, please contact us using the type below with the particular information of the material, consisting of: Your name, address, and electronic signature The infringing products and the URL where they are located on our website Proof that you hold intellectual property rights to the material A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that there is no legal basis for the use of the content A statement of the accuracy of the notice and, under penalty of perjury, that you are either the owner of the intellectual property rights or are authorized to act upon the behalf of the owner If we receive a DMCA claim and remove the relevant content that you have published to our site, you might send us a counter-notice. The counter notice should contain the following info: Your name, address, telephone number, and physical or electronic signature Identification of the material and its place prior to elimination A declaration under penalty of perjury that the product was removed by mistake or misidentification Subscriber grant local federal court jurisdiction, or if overseas, to an appropriate judicial body. DECLARATIONS: When you send us DMCA report, we understand that you have actually read and accepted declarations below: * I have a good faith belief that content( s) in the project described above breach( s) my rights described above or those held by the rights owner, and that the use of such content( s) contrasts law. * I state, under penalty of perjury, that the details completed above is right and accurate which I am the owner or agent of the owner of the rights described above. CONTACT United States: Email: